by Marci | Apr 27, 2022 | Blog
“Trust that it is ok to put your needs first. You deserve to take care of yourself.”- Danielle Koepke Have you ever wondered why it is such a struggle to make yourself a priority? I used to struggle with this immensely, and I know I am not the only one....
by Marci | Apr 19, 2022 | Blog
“And then she realized that a fresh start was hers for the taking, that she could be the woman she’s always seen on the distant horizon – her future self. One step at a time, starting today.” – Erica Layne Spring is a season of new...
by Marci | May 2, 2020 | Blog
When I was a young girl, I dreamed of growing up to be just like the strong and beautiful ‘Wonder Woman’ that I had watched on TV. In fact, my cousin had a Wonder Woman costume that we would love to dress up in and pretend to fight the bad guys (her 2...
by Marci | Apr 24, 2020 | Blog
What if this is the year you finally decide to transcend your past by letting go of the self-limiting beliefs, programs & barriers that have been keeping you STUCK and step into this next chapter of your life with the FREEDOM to be all you are truly meant to be?...
by Marci | Mar 10, 2020 | Blog
Have you ever been on an airplane when the flight attendant stands in the centre aisle, giving you the safety instructions of what to do in an emergency, asking you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping anyone else?Why is that? Honestly, we all know...