Access Bars® is a gentle hands-on modality that was introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s. The Bars® are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During an Access Bars session, a practitioner gently touches these points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have limited you in the concerned life areas. Today Access Consciousness® tools including The Bars® are being practiced In 173 countries and boasts more than 10,000 trained Access Bars® facilitators worldwide and used is by Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Physiotherapists, Family Play Therapists, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Business Coaches, Entrepreneurs, Trainers, Mom’s, and everyday people to create simple fast change.
The easiest way to explain Access Bars® is if we compare the brain to a computer and The Bars® treatment to a disk defragmenter. The bars (points on the head) correspond to different areas of the brain (the computer files) that relate to aspects of everyday life, such as joy, creativity, money, control, creating connections, calmness, peace, experiencing gratitude etc. Over our lifetime, we have accumulated many limiting thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and patterns (like junk files, or spam) based on judgements absorbed from society, culture, family, friends, and personal experience that can keep us from making changes that empower us.
When an Access Bars® practitioner touches the bars on a person’s head, the electrical charge in the brain which holds these limitations, considerations and judgements is dispersed (i.e. the junk files deleted!). Once cleared, we become free to function with a greater capacity for clarity, awareness, and choice, receiving who we truly are without fear and subconscious blocks, and open up to an entirely to new world of potential and possibilities.
Studies have shown that The Bars® treatment slows brainwaves down to a theta state allowing behavioural patterns and childhood perspectives to surface and then dissipate, bringing the body into a total state of ease and alignment.
Limiting thoughts, beliefs and emotional triggers can be lifted, including fears about money, blocks to creativity, weight gain, difficulty receiving, constant states of stress and struggle, residual grief, poor health or any other habits and patterns of thought that no longer work for you.

The Bars® can be used to facilitate change in all areas of your life. When you are willing to function from more consciousness, you begin to open the doors to healing on many levels. Science tells us that the shape of your cells actually becomes more elliptical when they are influenced by thoughts, feelings, and emotions, which is the first step to inviting in dis-ease. When you get your bars run, it unlocks this impact on the cells allowing the cells to return to their more spherical shape facilitating more ease in the body.
Access Bars® contributes to your overall health and well-being, so consider having your bars run regularly for creating greater change and healing with ease.
When lightly touched, the Bars points stimulate a positive neurological response inside the recipient. This appears to trigger the body’s natural ability to heal and facilitate the physiological changes required for greater well-being. Many patients report feeling complete relaxation and a sense of inner peace. You may float into a deep state of relaxation, or even fall asleep. You may experience various body sensations, like, tingling, heat, twitches, or shivers, and ultimately, after a Bars session patients feel pure joy.
When lightly touched, the Bars points stimulate a positive neurological response inside the recipient. This appears to trigger the body’s natural ability to heal and facilitate the physiological changes required for greater well-being. Many patients report feeling complete relaxation and a sense of inner peace. You may float into a deep state of relaxation, or even fall asleep. You may experience various body sensations, like, tingling, heat, twitches, or shivers, and ultimately, after a Bars session patients feel pure joy.
If something comes up that you are not ready and willing to explore, we won’t go there yet.
It is your session – YOU OWN IT – and I am here to facilitate your healing journey.
The inside of a person needs to shift to create change. Once your mind is out of the way, you are free to play and follow your joy.
How does it get any better than that?
Dr. Terrie Hope PhD, DNM, CFMW published an article in the Journal of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment in November 2017, describing how the results of one 90-minute Access Bars® session indicated a significant decrease in the severity of depression and anxiety. Further research was done in 2015 by leading neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, with 60 participants, he discovered that Access Bars® had a positive neurological effect on the recipient, similar to those experienced by advanced meditators – and it produced results immediately.
Take a look at this 11-minute video below where Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin is excited to share the breakthrough changes he saw using Brain Mapping with Thermography, before and after getting their bars run.
Thermometry and the Bars®
In 2015, Lisa Cooney and Linda Adamowski used Thermometry as a means to find verifiable evidence to show the physiological change that the Access Consciousness® body process Access Bars® creates. It’s a 15-minute video full of knowledge: